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Take Me On


Take Me On

Curation and organisation of installations,
performances and music events

In collaboration with
Oona Linke, Laure Jaffuel

Support Surface, Le Consulat Voltaire, Paris (2018)
Looking at myself like a temple for endless lust and sweaty socks, Macao, Milano (2016)
The Parallel Screens Database, WOW, Amsterdam (2016)
Long Hair Love Call, La Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille (2015)
Body, Sound, Action, Walden Affairs, Den Haag (2014)
Deep blue yonder, Salon Océan, Brussels (2014)
The most distant land, Klubkat, Rotterdam (2014)
Hardware store dancefloor, Wanderlust, Paris (2013)

Lou Buche, Kevin Bray, Victor Delestre, Johan Romme, Naïmé Perrette, Annee Grøtte Viken, Josefin Arnell, Kris Beaghton, Carole Cicciu, Mathias Damgaard, Nina Janssen, Natacha Mankowski, Gulio Olivero, Valentin Noiret, Michele Rizzo, Raoul Zoellner

Link to the podcast

Images by Naïmé Perrette, Laure Jaffuel and Leïla Arenou